We ask that our users use the support request form we provide at our website when they are in need of assistance with their account.
If for whatever reason you are unable to use the form and prefer to email your request to support@vaultservices.net, please send from the email address associated with your Account and make sure to include as many relevant details as possible. Please try and include (at minimum) the following relevant details, so that we may best assist you. The more information we have from you, the better we are able to assist you.
* What component of our Service are you using - the Desktop application, the Website, or the Mapped Drive?
* Which Operating System are you running?
* If you are running the Web version, which browser?
* What are you trying to do?
* What error message (s) are you seeing, or what indication do you have of the problem?
The email will automatically create a ticket in our system and a representative will get back to you as soon as possible.